Which US States allow Online Gambling – Legal Gambling States

United States of America: 50 States

The exact numbers of how many citizens in the United States place illegal bets on sports is unknown. However, it is estimated that the value of bets is $150 billion a year, and with that, the focus on New Jersey’s recent appeal is welcome news to many states who are losing out on much needed revenue.

The reality is, American citizens want the right to choose, and not have federal interference in activities they deem to be within their rights. While the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act served a valuable service to protect against the possible rigging of professional sports games that is outdated today after the appeal proved to be successful, and on the 14th of May, the Supreme Court ruled that state economic interests should not be governed by the federal government. As a result, it ruled that the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act was unconstitutional and no longer can be enforced against the states individual right. Multiple states have joined in the position that the ability to allow sports betting would increase their revenue generation as a result of added taxation, let alone the potential for added tourism opportunities.

While most professional sports teams are opposed to the legalisation of sports betting and have been for many years, some are beginning to see its benefits as the cost of operating professional team’s increases. One of those is Adam Silver, the commissioner of the NBA, who has stated he favours sports betting being legal in the U.S. While the recent ruling and share support of it by many industry insiders, it is not expected to see many states rushing to the fence anytime soon. Those states that are in favour expect it to take several years to work its way through the legislative assembly and state congress.

The reality is, as more states opt to legalise sports betting in their states, over time it is expected that the marketing landscape will eventually mimic that of Europe and Asia in so far as online sportsbooks that market their services in those states they are licensed in. Another expectation is the battles that will be faced by larger casino-based operators in the U.S challenging the inclusion of offshore betting companies. This was one of the contributing factors that drove the Bush administration to make changes to the wire act, and considering the current administration, changes to that are doubtful.

There is a fear that the legalisation of sports betting could see professional sports generating rigged outcomes due to its being regarded as sleazier than other forms of gambling that are chance based. This point of view is based on the collection of information to make informed decisions, and while sports betters are generally more educated, they rarely are shown in that light, and this is in part what has seen its lack of acceptance. It also doesn’t’ help the argument when news of match fixing scandals in Europe and Asia

As the appeal took its course, a new bill was drafted in anticipation that the Supreme Court would side with New Jersey. The new bill, the Gaming Modernization Enhancement and Accountability Act would permit each state the right to decide if it wanted to legalise sports betting. The bill identifies the types of sports betting and was specific to include fantasy sports betting. How that bill will progress now the ruling has been handed down is unknown as congress is dealing with multiple other pressing issues at the time of this article being written.

One of those that is the driving force behind it is, and the legalisation of sports betting is the American Gaming Association. It intends to forward the Gaming Modernization Enhancement and Accountability Act to the President’s office with hopes he will see its benefits. One factor that may cause some feathers to be ruffled is the fact only the NBA is in support of its legalisation, while the NHL, NFL and college leagues are opposed. While the MLB is close to joining the NBA’s position, it has stopped short of stating it wants to see sports betting regulated in the U.S, but it is not expected that either will lobby congress for that to happen.

When you consider the support the American public has shown towards its legalisation, it is expected that pressure towards acting on the recent ruling will be swift. Already, prior to the ruling being handed down, it saw an increase of offshore operators gearing up and offering sports betting services to Americans. That number is expected to future increase as anticipation rises, and sportsbook tries to grab attention and brand recognition.

Legal US Licensing Jurisdictions

If you reside in the United States and are a sports bettor, there are only three states where gambling online is legal. This includes the state of Nevada, state of New Jersey and the state of Delaware. You must be a resident of the state and will be required to provide verification through state identification before being permitted to use any licensed online casino, poker room or sportsbook. The licensing commissions that oversee gambling within each state are listed below. Should you require additional information on the scope of their responsibilities, you can contact the relevant commission directly.

Nevada Gaming Commission

The Nevada Gaming Commission is responsible for licensing casinos and sports betting websites that offer services online. The commission is also responsible for all gambling licenses in the state for land-based operators and acts to provide authoritative regulation that governs all persons, associations, practices, locations and related activities involved with the gambling industry within the state.

Their principal responsibility is to protect the residents of Nevada by acting with the highest level of integrity, respect and honesty as duties are carried out within the scope of their responsibilities. They also are committed to protecting all information of applicants, stakeholders and licensees, be objective, impartial and not allow personal nor professional conflicts to be brought into the scope of carrying out their responsibilities.

The Nevada Gaming Commission can be contacted by visiting http://gaming.nv.gov/.

Delaware Gaming and Control Board

The Delaware Gaming and Control Board is responsible for all gambling activities within the state and to ensure the protection of Delaware resident’s welfare and safety when in a licensed gambling facility. The scope of their responsibilities includes the issuing of license applicants, professional licensees, private organisations and other state and national agencies.

Their key objectives are to assist applicants that are seeking a license to operate a casino or gambling activity in the state, renew and issue licenses to those approved and to maintain a database of those licensed to ensure license renewals are received. They also are responsible for answering any public or other government agency enquiries relating to gambling within the state.

The Delaware Gaming and Control Board can be contacted by visiting https://dge.delaware.gov

New Jersey Casino Control Commission

The New Jersey Casino Control Commission is responsible for all activities that relate to gambling in the state. This includes the newly added division responsible for online gambling licensees. It is responsible for the governing of employees working in the industry as well as dealing with enforcement of its regulations relating to penalties and appeals.

The New Jersey Casino Control Commission can be contacted by visiting http://www.nj.gov/casinos/

Frequently Asked US State Gambling Questions

If you are someone with an interest in sports betting or other gambling related activities in the United States, we recommend looking through our list of frequently asked questions and the answers provided. These are in place to help provide insight into gambling in the United States. Should you have additional questions, please feel to contact us, and we will be pleased to assist you in any way possible.

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Ryan Knuppel Author

Ryan (aka Knup) has been writing sports betting content for over a decade now. He covers anything and everything related to United Stats sports including football, basketball, baseball, golf and more. He has finished first place in several gambling related contests over the years which gives him instant credibility in the betting world. Ryan is a die-hard St. Louis...

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