Unconfirmed news indicates that Twitter will soon toe the lines of Facebook and Google in banning advertisements related to cryptocurrencies and ICOs. If Twitter goes ahead with the proposed ban, then the new advertising policy will become effective in a couple of weeks. Twitter’s plan was revealed by Sky news, without naming the source of information.
According to the news sources, the rules will probably prohibit advertisements related to ICOs, cryptocurrencies, and wallets globally. What spooked Twitter to following Facebook and Google is unclear. Both Facebook and Google had cited protection of investors’ interests as the primary reason for the ban.
The unofficial report also states that Twitter may also impose a limited ban on ads related to cryptocurrency exchanges. There is a lack of clarity on the subject. Analysts believe the recent dip in the cryptocurrency market may be a direct effect of the ban imposed by Google and Facebook. The ban announced by Google would become effective in June, 2018.
On March 10, 2018, Jason Roy, a senior investigator at the Manitoba Securities Commission and chairman of Canada’s Binary options Task Force had revealed that Facebook’s decision to ban ads was not merely due to organic consideration, but after months of pressure from the FBI and other regulatory agencies. He also revealed that Google could soon follow suit. Four days later, Google announced a ban on ads related to cryptocurrencies, ICOs, and binary options.