Developers, who are constrained by the availability of tools may give up a great idea. Similarly, users who don’t have the technology to manage assets on their operating system may choose to invest in another cryptocurrency.
To avoid such scenarios, the Cardano team started working on the ADA wallet a few months before. This has resulted in the creation of Ariadne, the first independent open source ADA wallet.
Initially, the Cardano team wanted to resolve the issue of non-availability of a Linux ADA wallet. While working on the wallet, IOHK released their “Linux beta of Daedalus”. So, the Cardano team decided that Ariadne must be much more than a mere Linux wallet.
The Ariadne wallet is built by developers, for developers. Cardano team believes that innovation in blockchain technologies is possible only through open-source contribution. However, Cardano also wanted to address the issues faced by users who generally look to manage their crypto holdings in a fast, efficient, and flawless manner. So, Cardano developed both a TUI version with a robust command language and a more user friendly GUI version (to be released later) which will have additional features.
Users are welcome to download Ariadne alpha from the website. TUI application for both Linux and MacOS users are currently available. GUI version and Windows support are planned to be launched in the future. The Cardano team has also launched a demo of the Ariadne’s interface and functionalities.