Back In August, through a blog post, a developer named Jack Mallers informed the crypto community that he is working on a Lightning Network UI (user interface) named ZAP. The developer also said that keeping in mind the interest of users, he is keeping the project as open source, while declining offers from investors and potential business partners for the project. Mallers recently announced the beta release of Zap wallet and that has made the crypto community super excited.
The project was announced during August last year. Incidentally, SegWit (Segregated Witness), a facility that is required to conduct off chain payments on the Lightning Network was deployed in August as well.
Right from day one, Zap was intended to have no business model and no investors, but only open-source code that is built and driven by the community. There is an open invitation to developers, designers, copywriters, logo/icon creators to become a part of the Zap community.
The release is built for Bitcoin’s testnet. However, with some self-configuration, Zap can be used on mainnet. Zap developers do not intend to deploy the mainnet release, until the developers and the entire Lightning Network community are ready. The Zap community has put the code on github for any developer to go through and provide input to the project.