- The DSWV has accused German media of making false conclusions on 2021 problem gambling data
- Media outlets state that problem gambling has increased after the launch of the GlüNeuRStv regime
- DSWV said the 2021 survey must not be treated as a measurement
Deutscher Sportwettenverband (DSWV), the trade body representing sports betting operators in Germany, has raised concerns over misleading information from the media regarding the state of problem gambling in the country.
False Statements on Germany’s Problem Gambling
Citing the “Glücksspielteilnahme 2021” survey carried out by ISD Hamburg, an interdisciplinary addiction and drug research institution, German media outlets suggested that problem gambling in Germany has increased since the 2021 Interstate Gambling Treaty (GlüNeuRStv) came into effect. The law introduced a new licensing system for online gaming and sports betting providers, regulating their operations in the country. It came into force on July 1, 2021.
Referencing figures from the survey, the media concluded that 1.4 million Germans may now be dealing with problem gambling, compared to 400,000 when the GlüNeuRStv regime was not yet launched. This is a false conclusion, according to the DSWV.
The trade association said the survey should not be considered an “evaluation” of the impact of the interstate gambling treaty as the study was only intended to provide a new standard for understanding the outcomes of the new online gambling regime.
The annual survey on problem gambling in Germany was previously conducted by the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA). The Centre had carried out the study for 10 years prior to the re-regulation of the online gambling sector in 2021, with past surveys showing a generally stable trend.
Since the ISD started taking charge of the survey in 2021, it has been using new methodologies in collecting data, conducting both online and telephone surveys. Due to these changes in methodologies, it is not wise to compare the 2021 findings with previous survey results.
The DSWV has urged the media to refrain from making false inferences regarding the problem gambling situation in Germany, stressing that discussions on gaming behavior must be evidence and fact-based.
DSWV President Mathias Dahm said actual assessment of Germany’s new online gambling laws is planned for the end of 2026, and it must consider the experiences of all stakeholders so as to foster constructive cooperation between them for the benefit of customers.
GGL Launches Tender for Research on Gambling Advertising
In other developments, Germany’s gambling authority Gemeinsame Glücksspielbehörde der Länder (GGL) is now accepting applications from academic institutions to lead new research on the impact of gambling advertising. The study forms part of the agency’s assessment of the country’s new online gambling laws.