The online gambling industry in Denmark is expected to continue to do well in 2020 and the country’s gaming regulator wants to ensure at the start of the New Year that licensed gaming operators run an ethical operation.
Spillemyndigheden has published a new responsible gambling guide that licensed operators and other stakeholders in the industry will have to comply with in 2020 or face disciplinary action.
The new guide is an add-on to the Danish Gambling Act (DGA) and provides clear instructions to licensed gaming operators on what is required from them. Gambling operators in Denmark have a responsibility to protect problem gamblers, train their staff to be able to quickly identify signs of problem gamblers and be able to offer advice and help to those gamblers batting an addiction.
The new guidelines also make it mandatory for iGaming operators to be clear about their policies upfront.
Online casinos are required to clearly advertise on their homepage that only players who are over the age of 18 will be allowed access to the online casino. They must also give players easy access to take an online test to see if they suffer from gambling addiction
Problem Gambling Precautions
iGaming operators are also obligated to provide information about counselling and problem gambling treatment wherever they are offering online gaming services. Online casinos are also required to provide direct links to all state sponsored gambling treatment programs. In the past, online casinos were required to only advertise one gambling addiction program.
Apart from the above requirements, online casino operators must also clearly display ROFUS – which is Denmark’s self-exclusion gambling register. The operator is not only required to display this but provide up to date information on how ROFUS works.
iGaming operators will also have to display a digital clock on their websites to keep players constantly aware of how much time they are spending playing online casino games. The digital clock must be displayed at all times and must not fade away when a player scrolls down.
The new guidelines also prevent operators from pre-determining deposit amounts that a player can make. Players will now have the option of determining how much money they are going to deposit at a time. Any player who requires for a special casino bonus must now be treated as a problem gambler.